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Geneva 20:11
New York 14:11


Center for International Security and Policy delivered a statement at the UN conference in Geneva

On 22 November 2018 in Geneva at the 2018 meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the CCW Alimzhan Akhmetov, director of the Center for International Security and Policy delivered a statement on lethal autnomous weapons systems issue.

We advocate a preventive legally binding instrument to ban lethal autonomous weapons systems, or killer robots as they are known otherwise. These types of weapons do not yet exist but they are being actively developed by some states. The international community must unite to ban this type of weapon. You cannot give robots a complete control over a life or death decision. These systems are incapable of compassion and their development contradicts international humanitarian law and undermines the basic moral values of humanity.

The text of the statement is available in Russian and English languagues.

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